Would you like to deploy your Rails apps on a shared hosting account via Capistrano? I keep a couple of small projects on A Small Orange and since I update them so infrequently, I can never remember all the steps. Duh, that’s what Capistrano was made for. So I took a night and wrote the following deployment script. There are a couple of requirements:
- Your project is in a GIT repository, local or remote.
- The GIT repository only needs to be accessible from your local machine (ASO servers do not support GIT).
- WARNING: running any part of this script will completely delete your /public_html directory!
- You only need modify the first FOUR ‘set’ lines.
A shared/system_stopped directory will be created on the server, any files in here will be served when you do a ‘cap deploy:web:disable’. You can add a ‘system_stopped’ directory to your project and those files will automatically be copied into the shared directory.
This script works best if you start from the beginning as this is a new deployment as a couple of directories need to be created:
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[sourcecode language='css'] deploy:setup deploy:check deploy:cold [/sourcecode] |
There are a few commented out lines that you may wish to uncomment. I tried to explain their use, so you may wish to read over each function.
Lest I repeat myself… WARNING: this will completely delete your /public_html directory! Make sure you have a backup before you run any function in this script.
I plan on adding a full db backup option (run before migrations, or at will) and a production.log rotation.
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[sourcecode language='ruby']set :application, "mywebapp" set :repository, "[email protected]:mywebapp.git" set :domain, "mywebapp.com" # user is the login name for the shared hosting account # it should also be the name of your home directory i.e. /home/my-user-name set :user, "myusername" # this will place you app outside your /public_html # and protect your app file from exposure set :deploy_to, "/home/#{user}/#{application}" set :scm, :git # set :deploy_via, :remote_cache # if your server has direct access to the repository set :deploy_via, :copy # if you server does NOT have direct access to the repository (default) set :git_shallow_clone, 1 # only copy the most recent, not the entire repository (default:1) ssh_options[:paranoid] = false set :use_sudo, false set :keep_releases, 2 # only keep a current and one previous version to save space role :app, domain role :web, domain role :db, domain, :primary => true task :update_public, :roles => [:app] do run "chmod 755 #{release_path}/public" run "chmod 755 #{release_path}/public/dispatch.*" end # remove the .git directory and .gitignore from the current release task :remove_git_directories, :roles => [:app] do run "rm -rfd #{release_path}/.git" run "rm #{release_path}/.gitignore" end # this lets us keep the system_stopped files in project task :copy_system_stopped_files, :roles => [:app] do run "cp -f #{release_path}/public/system_stopped/* #{shared_path}/system_stopped/" end after "deploy:update_code", :update_public after "deploy:update_code", :copy_system_stopped_files after "deploy:update_code", :remove_git_directories # create a symlink from the current/public to ~/public_html task :create_public_html, :roles => [:app] do run "ln -fs #{current_path}/public ~/public_html" end after "deploy:cold", :create_public_html # create a directory in shared to hold files that will be servered # when the system is stopped, and a config directory task :create_shared_directories, :roles => [:app] do run "mkdir -p #{shared_path}/system_stopped" run "mkdir -p #{shared_path}/config" end after "deploy:setup", :create_shared_directories # remove the symlink for ~/public_html task :remove_public_html, :roles => [:app] do run "rm ~/public_html" end # creates a symlink to ~/public_html to the shared/system_stopped directory # places files you want served in this dir for when the system is stopped task :create_public_html_to_stopped, :roles => [:app] do run "ln -fs #{shared_path}/system_stopped ~/public_html" end # we need to override the default start/stop/restart functions namespace :deploy do desc "Restart the web server. Killing all FCGI processes." task :restart, :roles => :app do # for most hosts, all you need to do is stop all FCGI processing running run "killall -q dispatch.fcgi" # but some hosts can restart by touching the dispatch file #run "chmod 755 #{current_path}/public/dispatch.fcgi" #run "touch #{current_path}/public/dispatch.fcgi" end desc "Start the web server. Really nothing to do for shared hosting." task :start, :roles => :app do remove_public_html create_public_html deploy.restart end desc "Stop the web server and present maintenance page." task :stop, :roles => :app do remove_public_html create_public_html_to_stopped end namespace :web do desc "Make application web accessible again." task :enable, :roles => [:app] do deploy.start end desc "Present system maintenance page to users." task :disable, :roles => [:app] do deploy.stop end end end[/sourcecode] |