I’ve been working on a Rails app on-and-off for a couple of months, and it’s ready for human consumption. VBSfinder is a site where families can find vacation bible schools near them. Only problem is I need people to enter VBSs that they know about. So if you know of one, please take a minute to enter the event information so that other can search.
There are quite a few features that are not ready yet, like the mapping interface. But I wanted to get the site up and functional so that people can start using it. I’ll get the frosting on the cake later.
Comments or complaints are always welcome.
Nice clean looking site. What are you using for the mapping, yahoo or google? Andre over at http://earthcode.com/ created GeoKit for this kind of thing. He also started http://hotspotr.com/wifi a while back that caters to a different crowd than yours, but I suspect that much of the back end is the same.
Oh, by the way, the blog’s layout looks great!
@captproton: I’m using GeoKit and google for the geocoding and will be using google for the maps. The design will (hopefully) be similar to the google maps used by Geocaching.com to display a map area that has pins for each location that updates as the user scrolls/zooms. Haven’t done anything like that before with maps, so I’ll just start out simple and add as I go.
I use GeoKit is just about every project I do now. Just geocoding address/zip_codes and being able to do a radius search is invaluable.
Thanks for the kind words.